Yeferson-Devlog - Milestone #1

My first milestone was to create the character controller and the framework for the build, and weapon systems. 

I would say as a programmer, this is the part that I enjoy the most in game development. It is during this stage, that we programmers get the most visual feedback, that's not something going wrong, or another bug to put on the "To-Fix" wall. A stationary capsule now responds to input, and while it might all be just be grey blocks, we are filling up the void that is the empty scene. As we progress in development,  what we programmers must do becomes more specific, more fine tuned, longer hours fine tuning code, optimizing memory usage, cleaning up the aftermath a bug fix, much less visual feedback, compared to getting a gun to shoot a bullet, and having the bullet damage and kill monsters. But alas that is what it means to be a programmer. 

I achieved all my first milestone goals, I've made enough character controllers, that i can write one in notepad. The weapon system was simple enough, and the build system, inherits from the weapon system, after all its the same concept, point and click and something happens. I had enough time left over, that I worked on my future milestones, the Enemy wave system.

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